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Ali Zahidi by the sea
Ali Zahidi lost in thought by the Fjord of Trondheim.

Ali comes from Afghanistan and came to Norway almost 4 years ago. He left his country at the age of 15 and has not seen his family since. During his journey to Norway through Europe, he narrowly escaped death several times. The first time he ever experienced being in the ocean, he was in an inflatable boat between Turkey and Greece.

“We had been in the water for 8 ½ hours. After we had stopped rowing we had lost the direction. The water and the wind were in control. We did not know where we were. We could not see Greece and we could not see Turkey. Only water and more water.

We prayed as much as we could to come to land. But we knew that if nobody came to help, nobody could help. No words and no God.”
Bildet inngår i albumet A New Home - At the end of 2010 there were 43.7 million people forcibly displaced worldwide. This is the highest number in 15 years. For citizens of countries who have not experienced acts of war on national ground for generations it is difficult to understand what it means to be a refugee. ‘A New Home’ is an attempt to make the stories of some young refugees available for a wider audience to gain understanding of their situation.

The project focuses on six young refugees who have fled from all over the world to Trondheim, Norway. Some came on their own, leaving friends and family behind. Some have been through a long and traumatic journey that they will never forget. They have all had their life turned upside down but have taken the challenge and have created new lives for themselves.
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